We’re very happy to be supported by local businesses, so right here in Carterton try Almo’s Books (379 7103) or Take Note (379 8231).
In Featherston, the fabulous All Aboard (0800 869 386) stocks our games and many more.
In Masterton, Paper Plus (378 8300) are great.
Of course, you’ll also find them around New Zealand in Whitcoulls other Paper Plus stores, as well as many fine games speciality stores.
You can order online via IQideas (06 877 9258), who we work with and are NZ’s biggest independent games producer.
Finally, we sometimes have a couple of copies here if you get stuck:
06 379 5277.
A small clarification: on some of these games we’ve been co-inventors; some we’ve contributed rules editing and extended ideas; almost all we’ve done extensive graphic design and/or illustration. When we call them ‘our games’ it’s not meant to diminish in any way the roles of the inventors or other contributors- it’s only because we’re proud of the work we’ve done on them!